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Tricks to increase blog traffic

How to get traffic to my blog for free First of all, let me clear one thing you can’t get  huge traffic on your blog in one or two nights. B...

How to get traffic to my blog for free
How to get traffic to my blog for free

First of all, let me clear one thing you can’t get huge traffic on your blog in one or two nights.

But, You can build your traffic day by day which will result in Millions of traffic.

First Read This 👇

You should have strong knowledge in your NICHE, Strong knowledge means whenever a newbie blogger asks you something related to your niche.

You can reply to them with an easy and satisfying answer without taking more time.

There are various ways in which you can build your website traffic day by day

1- Ignoring/Spamming Social Sites (Share)

Newbie and Medium Bloggers mostly ignore/Spamming Facebook (Share) and other social sites which can cause huge loss of Traffic.

Even if you’re just sharing your article on Social sites, It doesn’t mean your responsibilities are over.

Just sharing your article on Facebook is Spamming.

You must share your article with the relevant audience interested in your niche.

Tip: Join Facebook Group To Enhance Your Blogging Knowledge and To Share Your Precious Written Article with the Group.

Your article should be shared positively, Take a look at below image ðŸ‘‡

Did you notice something?

Yes, You did.

First Tell something interesting about your article on Facebook.

Try to pitch out the pain point of the interested audience, So that they can take it more seriously.

and If you did it the same way as you see the above image.

Then, The interested audience will visit your blog.

2- Must Use QUORA

Now, SEO is important for any website to Get Organic Traffic.

SEO is not easy and it also includes many factors to consider, if you want to rank higher on Google.

But, What about Free Traffic Source (Like QUORA).

See this screenshot,

QUORA has given me about 9872 Visitors and 13470 Pageviews so far.

and Visitors can also convert into sales.

QUORA is more than the simple question-answer Site.

You can use Quora to build more and more traffic to your website.

How To Use Quora For Website Traffic?

  • Then you will get some suggestions.
  • Now Click on Hosting
  • There are a lot of questions to answer but focus on that question which has a good following
  • Answer these questions (At least one), and your answer should be natural.

TIP: Try To Answer That type of Questions, Which have a query regarding a product (Like - Which Hosting Should I Buy ?, How To Make Money On Internet, etc)

You can get a lot of views on your answers, and if your answer is enough informational, then people will also visit your blog.

But Your added links should be looks natural otherwise Quora will ban your account.

3 - Guest Post

Guest post is another best way to get free traffic on your website.

Many big websites offer for the Free Guest Post.

Guest Post is very beneficial, It will

  • Increase Your Domain Authority
  • Increase Your Website Traffic
  • Builds good relationship with other WebMasters

DA is more important than Web Site Traffic because DA helps you to rank for high competition Keywords.

If you’re a passionate writer (In Blogging, Hosting, SEO), Then you can visit AskBlogging for Guest post.

There are many websites for the Guest post.

Search them on google

4 - SEO

SEO is very difficult for beginners but learning is more powerful than SEO.

Try to rank your website/article on the first page of Google.

It will give you more visits/conversion.

You can follow AskBlogging to learn some secret tactics.

If you’re a beginner then you can learn SEO from the expert.

There are many groups on Facebook and there are many Youtube videos to learn SEO.

SEO will give you organic and targeted traffic on your blog/website.

Things To Consider When Writing Your Article

  • Do Proper Internal and External Linking.
  • Use the High DA Website for External Linking.
  • Use proper images.
  • Search Intent Is Most Important.
  • Use Low Competition Keywords

I’m a blogger and I’ll share you my blogging story so that you will understand how to get traffic to your blog and reach your blogging goals.

There are plenty of resources on the Internet that might deviates you from your blogging goals such as high traffic in less time or more money in few days etc.

Listen to me very carefully!

There is no such easy money making methods or high traffic schemes in less time without hard work and smartness.

You will become smart if you’re experienced.

You will be experienced once you learn from your mistakes and start exploring. So here I’m sharing my blogging story of how I did mistakes and how I overcame It to reach my blogging goals.

So, what’s my story?

Well, I started my blog in the year 2017 after reading some inspiring stories of bloggers like Harsh, Anil Agarwal, Jitendra vaswani, Shraddha sharma etc.

As like everyone I referred to some “start blogging” article on the Internet and somehow I started. But, I had no idea about Content strategy, niche, Keyword research, blog promotion tactics etc.

What mistakes I did?

Mistake 1 : Content density

I started referring to blogs and writing similar articles with an average content density of 300–400. That’s it.

Why 300–400?

Because, I have Yoast SEO plugin which suggests to write at least 300 words. So, I was in that range. Not less, not more.

Takeaway: You take any article that appears on the 1st page of search results. It will have at least 1500–2000 words. So, start writing in that range so that search engines crawl your articles easily.

Learn content marketing from scratch and write the content that really helps your audience but not for the search engine bots to crawl.

Mistake 2: Keyword stuffing

Yeah! As like most of the newbies, I use to think that adding more keywords will increase my search rankings.

Takeaway: Stuffing keywords in every sentence of your blog post will not increase your search presence. Instead, it will lead you to get site penalized by Google. It is a black hat technique and doesn’t work anymore.

Understand what is keyword research and how it works. If you want simple advice, focus on low competitive and long tail keywords and rank in it first.

For example: If you check the keyword “Start a blog” is highly competitive and as a newbie blogger it’s very hard task to rank for that keyword. Instead you can target the long-tail & low-competitive keyword “Start blogging to make money” and write the article content related to the keyword.

In this way you can rank easily and in less amount of time.

Mistake 3: Writing multiple niche articles

I started my blog with the intention to make it as a online news blog. So, I was posting articles related to politics, entertainment, finance, viral news, education, SEO, blogging, technology, food and what not.

Takeaway: Do not focus on multiple niches, Instead, start writing in one single niche and become master in it. This way, Users and search engines think you have great knowledge in that niche. So that, search engines starts sending more traffic to your site.

Mistake 4: Link building

I was not aware of white hat or black hat techniques when I started, So I started using free traffic generator tools to gain more traffic. I still thank the God for not getting my site penalized for this stupid act.

Yes, You cannot use free traffic generator tools or paid link building techniques to get more website traffic. This is not gonna help you and I’m sure your site will be penalized forever.

You have to be very careful when it comes to Link building.

Takeaway: There are other ways of link building which is safe and suggested. Few are:

  • Add relevant, interesting and valuable comments on other blog post articles. You can add your site link in Website column in the comment section. This way, you’ve earned one sweet back link
  • Connect with fellow relevant bloggers, maintain a relationship and slowly let them know your good intentions and I’m sure they agree for mutual benefits.
  • Research on authority bookmarking sites, directory submission sites to add your blog post or site URL.
  • Start contributing to other sites and blogs to share your expertise. Play smart when it comes to guest posting. Keep intention of sharing the knowledge but not getting a back link. Once you have a great content to share with the other blogs then you can easily convince the bloggers to add your link in it.

Avoid Link building mistakes, after all your site is your money source.

Mistake 5: Money making intention from initial stages

I know, most of us started blogging to make money, Even, I too. So, I was accepting guest articles from any niche for even 5$ by adding 2–3 back links. Because I was not aware of the results out from it.

Also, I have started placing ads like Infolinks, Medianet and some others on my site everywhere I can.

What was the result?

Worst! As, I had no organic traffic, quality and relevant visitors; I have not earned good money from Ads.

Somehow I managed to earn the amount to my blogging expenses such as hosting, domain renewal from article writing.

Takeway: Do not keep the intention to make money from the day one.

If you are studying in school and focus on earning money instead of schooling; what happens?

You might fail!

Same happens when it comes to blogging. Keep your blogging goals.

What are your first month goal? Six months goals?

So that you can work efficiently on it without distraction.

Here’s my suggestion:

First start getting good organic traffic with relevant content. It at least takes 6–12 months. Then starting looking for income sources, there are plenty actually.

Apart from Ads, you can also look for affiliate marketing like Bluehost or Siteground which can pay you $50-$100 per sale.

Isn’t it interesting? So, explore.


Once you understand and work on these basic factors then you’re ready to explore more money making sources and to taught your learning.

Combine all these learning and apply to your blogging life. If you have other suggestions or tactics, I’m open to learn; feel free to share the resources in the comments section.

There’s still plenty of space on the Internet to work on yourself and shine.

I recommend reading this for more details - Blogging Best Practices - The Free Beginner's Guide from Moz

Now back to the question of increasing traffic. What have you done to increase the traffic? Lets start from basic.

  • Choose the trending topic of your domain. Check what can you give extra. That means suppose you are writing blog on Football. Many people / blogger are writing about it. by the way Football world cup 2018 is less than a month away. What excites you most about the World cup? What unique thing you can present to your readers? Think about it….
  • The blog content should be minimum of 1500–2000 words. But you have to make it engaging so that a reads the 2000th word and have the satisfaction about the piece of content and can share it.
  • The design part - The blog should be designed colourfully but should have a feel good factor to eyes. It should not be cluttered with colours. The blog should include multiple relevant images (at least 3). don’t worry if the images are copyrighted. Just write image courtesy at the end of the blog. It is a good this to share the resources. You can put self made videos / or other relevant YouTube videos (with video courtesy :)). You can put quotes of famous people. You can use small infographics. You can create bullet points to highlight the feature of your topic. It will give the blog a higher engagement rate.
  • The keywords - Keywords are very important for any web content. But stuffing of keyword is a strict no-no. Make sure to use the keyword in first para. and heading.
    • If your blog ranks in top 3 positions on Google SERP with a particular keyword the chance of getting more clicks is higher by 33%. (Search Engine Watch says so)
  • Meta tags - Don’t ignore the technical SEO parts. Write a near perfect title, meta description. Use alt tags in images wherever applicable.
  • Heading - The vital part. According the those who are pioneers in SEO if you take 4 hours to write a blog then spend atleast 4 hours to write a killer heading. The headline or the heading is as important as the blog content. It will catch the attention of the readers.
  • Use Social Media. I would suggest write a summary of the blog within 100–200 words and post it in LinkedIn and Facebook ( write a separate summary) with the blog post link. Use catchy content and share it in Twitter. Share videos, images, infographics on these platforms too! Don’t forget to use Pinterest and Instagram. Use a good images and share the blog link in these two platforms. Umm! Don’t forget Google+ also
  • Tag your friends and followers in Facebook and other social media whenever you write a blog. Ask them to comment on your latest post. All comments may not be positive. Don’t ignore the negative comments or complaints. Ask them what they don’t like. Resolve the issue.
    • If there is any wrong facts and figures in the content and it is highlighted by any of your readers correct it and thank them. A personal note is very appreciable. Write in the comment section as well as send them a personal mail expressing your gratitude.
  • You can use paid campaigns to promote your blog. Use Facebook and the daily budget that suits you and Facebook will help you to target the niche audience in particular geographical locations. You can target twitter audience through paid campaigns but twitter is a bit costly than Facebook.
    • You can use Google adwords with correct choice of keywords to increase the traffic. Remarketing campaign can be done to target your genuine readers via adwords and Facebook .
  • Email marketing - If you gather a list of email of your readers from comment section and send regular emails whenever you write a new piece. Politely ask them for their opinion. Request them to write comment and share it.
    • Use a subscribe button in the blog so that you can gather emails.
  • Blog comment - Whenever the readers uses email to comment for the first time make sure that the email is authentic. Ask your developer that whenever a person coming for the first time and writes a comment an auto-generated mail with a validation link will go the reader’s mail box and unless the reader clicks the link the comment will not be published (double opt-in method of gathering email list). But if the person comments for second time (onwards) there should not be any process of validation for the particular post or any post for that matter. The reason is it will irritate the reader surely!
    • You can do one thing when the validation links goes you can write in the mail that clicking on the validation link will ensure that the reader will receive mail whenever you write a new blog post. But the manner should be polite enough so that he or she cannot get irritated. It will help to gather email list.
    • Apart from this, use spam filters to avoid spammers.
  • Commenting on other blog posts of other writers is a good way to increase your traffic but the topic should be related to your domain and industry otherwise it will be considered as a spam.
  • Guest post - Guest post is a great thing if you use correctly. Check other blog posts of other bloggers in your domain. Use search queries “guest post”, “guest blogger”, “guest blogger + your niche”, “Your niche + blogs” etc, and many more. Approach bloggers that you have an exclusive piece of great content for his / her site. The blogger or the webmaster of the site may not reply instantly. Have patience! Followup with them politely. If you can crack the deal then nothing like that. You can can also share the link in social media. It is a great way for generating traffic or gaining a good backlink with will help in SERP rank. A win-win situation for both! Obviously the site / blog where you will ‘guest post’ has to be authentic and active.
  • You can use the “Blogger out reach program”. If you can get an influencer who share your link in social media, follows you, comments on your post, mentions about your post in his writing it’s a jackpot for you. the social followers and blog followers will increase.
  • You can use push notifications in your site / blog so that if anyone clicks to get the latest update of your blog he can get notifications in both desktop and mobile.
  • Never ever ignore Social (Media) Bookmarking sites like reddit, Stumble upon, medium etc. Use them just like you write content on Facebook, Google+ or LinkedIn.
  • Use ezinearticles. Write unique artlicle about the blog / blog post in about 500+ words which will add value to your blog post and helps in ranking of your keywords which in turn increases the traffic.
  • You can use web 2.0 sites also and promote them.
  • Use YouTube - Prepare small videos and put the blog link in the description. Ask your subscribers in YouTube to click on the blog link.
  • Try question / answer sites like Yahoo answers and knowledge sharing sites like Quora. Help people in these platforms which in turn helps you in gaining traffic. Share knowledge! Gather knowledge!
  • Last but not least - Never forget your old blogs. If relevant continuously update and re-share them via various channels. It will give the readers the update on a topic.
  • Oh! I missed it! Always put share icons of Facebook, Twitter, Google+, LinkedIn etc. below the post or after the headline or sideways so that a reader can share for your post itself. If these icons are not in your blog post ask your developer. They are great people! They will do it for you.

  • How to get traffic to a new blog
  • Tricks to increase blog traffic
  • How to get more blog traffic 2019
  • How to get traffic to your blog
  • How to increase blog traffic WordPress
  • How many blog posts to get traffic
  • Boost blog traffic
  • How to build a high traffic blog


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