Targetting Hindu festivals nowadays! ...
Today is the first day of Navratri and the so called liberals in India are sharing this post.
I would like to say to all of them. If they do not want to celebrate the festival. Nobody is forcing them to do so. But there is no need to ruin the happiness of others by spreading false facts.
India is not the country with highest crime rate against women. You can check on wiki.
On the other hand, there is shortage of 3 million unit blood anually in our country India. But when this happens nobody seems to be worried.
Note- I am not against any religion.
I used this just as an example.
In my opinion festivals are meant to celebrate our culture which is immensely diverse and contains festivals of all major religions on earth.
But this ideology of targeting a particular religion especially on occasion of festival disheartens me.
Its my humble request to everyone let's enjoy our festivals and create awareness on everyday basis not just by targeting any particular religion.
Jai Hind
Hare Krishna🙏
Thanks to Aditya Parashar (अदित्य पराशर) for valuable suggestions.